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Sundays 10:30am 4700 Aldine Mail Rt

What is Power?

⚡️Power :  the ability to achieve a desired result or outcome that was previously impossible.

The gospel is the power of God unto salvation. The good news of what Jesus Christ has done changes everything! Without Jesus, we are powerless to save ourselves, heal ourselves or even help ourselves. But once we believe the gospel, Jesus changes everything. As we believe the good news of what God has done through his Son Jesus Christ, we find the power that leads over time to a transformed life.


Power Proclamations


Power In The Name Of Jesus

We believe Jesus is the absolute best hope for all creation. We therefore conceive and cultivate creative ways to reach the current culture for Christ. We unashamedly preach and point people to Jesus. Power Church will always be about Jesus. 


Power In The Word Of God

We believe the Bible to be the divinely written will of God. As we submit to the teaching & instruction found within it, we find ourselves in all things prospering and in health, even as our soul prospers. 


Power In Worship

We believe God loves it when we worship him as individuals, privately in our own homes. We also believe God reveals

himself as a Father, and the very essence of relationship, he must love it even more when we come together as a family to worship him in spirit and in truth.


Power In Prayer

The prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective. Prayer, many times changes things, and every time changes us. We desire to be a church that puts prayer as a first priority and not a last resort.


Power In Generosity

We are blessed to be a blessing! We give because he first gave to us. By practicing generosity, we find it to be true that it is more blessed to give than to receive.


Power In Weakness

Jesus took the cross, the greatest tool of shame and defeat and turned it into the greatest symbol of love and victory. As we confess our faults to one another and work out Gods kingdom principals, we find a proven path to healing & wholeness. 


Power In Unity

God created us to live in community. We are a diverse group of people from many different backgrounds with one common purpose- to follow Jesus. @Power Church, empowered by the Holy Spirit, we bring all our varied gifts, talents and resources together so that more people can encounter the loving presence of Jesus Christ. 


Power In Service

Jesus said the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve… we find that Christian maturity can never come to completion without the follower of Christ serving God, God’s people and the stranger. 

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